Nourish yourself and cultivate a life of greater ease and freedom

immerse into transformational healing with guidance and support

1:1 Personalised consultancy sessions

What’s included

  • One guided 60 minute session followed by 15 minutes for free flowing questions and conversation

  • Intake form to guide your session and personalise your programme

  • Trusted recommendations and nurtured relationships with wellbeing luminaries

  • Experience a safe, neutral and confidential space to share

  • Receive insights on your current state of wellbeing and direction on how to take practical steps to enhance and optimise your health

  • Receive a bespoke programme to integrate revelations from your session which includes personalised rituals, tools, practises and introductions to help you commit to a programme that is accessible and sustainable

  • 15 minute follow up phone call after two weeks 


Over the years in my search for ways to optimise my health and live a more fulfilling existence, I have worked with many different healing modalities and wellbeing luminaries to create a very well-rounded and helpful medicine cabinet.

I offer one-on-one wellbeing consultations to clients who are suffering from physical, mental or emotional malaise or for those who just want to feel their absolute best with deepest level of connection to themselves to meet the demands of busy lives. 

There are various ways our body speaks to us to help bring awareness and bring us back into balance. For some it might be discomfort or pain, an infection or rash that won’t go away, or ongoing emotional issues such as depression or anger.

All is welcome and a gateway into freeing yourself from what is blocking you from feeling your most vibrant and wholesome Self.

My goal is to get you to the root of what your body is trying to tell you. Instead of masking the signs and symptoms with pills, we bring awareness to the underlying issue and move forwards with a holistic treatment plan.

We will explore routes with immersive and personalised programs which include detox, rituals, movement, meditation and introductions to wellbeing luminaries locals for continued sessions to support your growth.

I believe that we are all capable of self-actualisation and transformation with the right tools, guidance and support. It is my absolute honour to assist you in your healing and transformation. 


Frequently Asked Questions

I have never had personalised coaching before…

Don’t worry! The sessions aim to meet you where you are at in your journey to holistic healing — our calls are a safe space to express and explore your current state of well-being so you can cultivate more awareness on how to enhance your life physically, mentally and emotionally. The only requirement is that you show up willing to make a change and are enthusiastic about living happier and healthier.

Do I have to do work outside of our session?

Yes, if you want to see change, the real work will begin after our session when you integrate and implement your personalised program. I will provide you with a step by step plan so you feel supported and held along the journey, as well as a follow up call two weeks later for accountability.

I loved our session, can I book more?

Absolutely! I am happy to connect further and dive further into the journey together.